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主要从事新型纳米薄膜材料的制备及在阻变存储器、薄膜太阳能电池等光电器件中的应用研究。主持了3项省部级项目;在Advanced Functional Materials, Nanoscales Horizons,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Chemical Communications,Journal of Materials Chemistry C等国际一流学术期刊发表学术论文三十余篇。




1999.09-2003.07  延边大学化学专业学习,获学士学位
2004.02-2006.12  汉阳大学(韩国)化学专业学习,获硕士学位
2007.02-2010.12  汉阳大学(韩国)化学专业学习,获博士学位
2011.01-2014.04  Amkor Technology Korea研发中心 高级研究员
2014.05- 至今 天津理工大学化学化工学院 副教授、硕导




1、Jiang Feng, Jiaming Fan, Zijian Zhang, Yu Gao, Song Xue, Gangri Cai*, Jin Shi Zhao*. Spin-Coating Deposited SnS2 Thin Film-Based Memristor for Emulating Synapses. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 202401228, https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202401228.
2、Jiaming Fan, Jiang Feng, Yu Gao, Zijian Zhang, Song Xue, Gangri Cai*, and Jin Shi Zhao*. PEDOT-ZnO Nanoparticle Hybrid Film-Based Memristors for Synapse Emulation in Neuromorphic Computing Applications. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2024, 7, 5661−5668.
3、Jingzhou Shi, Shaohui Kang, Jiang Feng, Jiaming Fan, Song Xue, Gangri Cai* and Jin Shi Zhao*, Evaluating charge-type of polyelectrolyte as dielectric layer in memristor and synapse emulation. Nanoscale Horizons, 2023, 8, 509.
4、Shaohui Kang, Jingzhou Shi, Jiang Feng, Jiaming Fan, Song Xue, Gangri Cai,* and Jin Shi Zhao*. Molecular Structure Engineering of Polyelectrolyte Bilayer-Based Memristors: Implications for Linear Potentiation and Depression Characteristics. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 3919−3926.
5、Jiuzhou Ren, Hui Liang, Jiacheng Li, Ying Chen Li, Wei Mi, Liwei Zhou, Zhe Sun, Song Xue, Gangri Cai* and Jin Shi Zhao*, Polyelectrolyte Bilayer-Based Transparent and Flexible Memristor for Emulating Synapses. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 14541-14549.
6、Hui Liang, Bingchen Li, Gangri Cai*, Song Xue*, Deposition and facile control over the morphology of phase-pure SnS thin films via the spin-coating route. Mater. Adv. 2022, 3, 3423.
7、Bingchen Li, Xuxian Zhao, Zhe Sun, Song Xue, Gangri Cai*, and Sung-Hwan Han*, Rectification Behavior on Polyelectrolyte-Modified Flexible ITO Electrode via Ionic Charge-Selective Electron Transfer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 41799-41803.
8、Yixin Dong, Gangri Cai*, Qi Zhang, Hui Wang, Zhe Sun, Hongyan Wang, Yilei Wang, Song Xue*, Solution-phase deposition of SnS thin films via thermo-reduction of SnS2, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54: 1992-1995.
9、Eun-Kyung Kim, Nabeen K. Shrestha, Wonjoo Lee, Gangri Cai*, Sung-Hwan Han*, Influence of water-soluble conjugated/non-conjugated polyelectrolytes on electrodeposition of nanostructured MnO2 film for supercapacitors, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 155: 211-216.
10、Gangri Cai, Iseul Lim, Deok Yeon Lee, Nabeen K. Shrestha, Joong  Kee Lee, Yoon-Chae Nah, Wonjoo Lee, and Sung-Hwan Han,Sequential Chemical  Bath Deposition of Cu2–xSe/CdS Film by Suppressing Ion-Exchange Reaction. J.  Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116 (24), 7176–7180.


1、蔡岗日 赵金石 薛松 梁辉 任九州,授权,一种基于高分子电解质双层结构的神经突触仿生器件,202110103065.9
2、蔡岗日 赵金石史竟舟 康少辉 冯将,申请,一种基于离子掺杂的高分子电解质的神经突触仿生器件,202211306985.1